Certifications & Programs
Our speech & occupational therapists are trained in many programs and protocols to provide the best, most up-to-date, and evidenced-based services to their clients. Click below to read about some of these programs and watch a video to learn even more. Interested in finding a clinician trained in one of the programs below? Contact us today!
PROMPT, an acronym for PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, is a multidimensional approach to speech production disorders that embraces physical-sensory, cognitive-linguistic, and social-emotional aspects of motor performance. This approach is designed specifically for children (6 months and older) and adults with apraxia of speech, dysarthria, phonological disorders, etc. PROMPT utilizes specific touch cues applied to the jaw & lips to guide the child through speech production.This stimulation to specific areas of the mouth helps the child produce sounds, words, and sentences. A speech language pathologist must complete intensive training & be certified to provide this service. Multiple therapists at A2 Therapy Works hold this certification.
Here is a video about PROMPT
Here is a video about PROMPT
The orton-gillingham approach to Literacy
The Orton-Gillingham Approach is a direct, explicit, multi sensory, structured, sequential way to teach literacy to individuals who have a difficult time with reading, writing, and spelling (such as people with dyslexia.) This approach is best described as language-based, multi sensory, structured, sequential, cumulative, cognitive, and flexible. The basic purpose of this approach is assisting the individual to become a competent reader, writer, and independent learner. The training for this approach is intensive & a person must be certified to teach this approach. There are speech language pathologists training in the Otron-Gillingham Approach at A2 Therapy Works.
Here is video about The Orton-Gillingham Approach
Handwriting without tears
Handwriting Without Tears is a great program to help children learn to write letters, words, and keyboarding. Developed by Jan Olson, an occupational therapist, it teaches handwriting through multi-sensory tools, allowing kids to learn handwriting through all styles of learning. Handwriting Without Tears also addresses fine motor skills (pencil grip) and body awareness (mat man). Handwriting Without Tears provides materials for both classroom and home practice. This program is effective for children of different ages & abilities. Occupational therapists must be trained in this approach & there are trained occupational therapists at A2 Therapy Works.
Here is a video about Mat Mat from Handwriting Without Tears
Here is a video about Mat Mat from Handwriting Without Tears
DIR Floortime
DIR stands for “Development, Individual differences, and Relationships.” DIR provides us with framework for understanding human development and takes into account the critical role of social-emotional development. The DIR Floortime model is getting on the floor with a child and engaging them in play-based therapy. This program is commonly utilized with children with educational, social-emotional, mental health, and/or developmental challenges. The DIR technique helps children relate and communicate by forming circles of communication. An example of this would be sitting on the floor rolling a ball back and forth, this would be an engaged moment between a parent and child or therapist and child.
The founders of this program are Dr. Greenspan and Dr. Weider. The program works on self regulation and interest in the world; forming relationships, attachments and engagement; two-way purposeful communication; developing a complex sense of self; elaborating symbolic thinking; emotional thinking, and the expression of thematic play. Therapists must be certified to utilize the DIR Floortime technique and we have speech language pathologists & occupational therapists who are trained in this program.
Here's a video about DIR Floortime
The founders of this program are Dr. Greenspan and Dr. Weider. The program works on self regulation and interest in the world; forming relationships, attachments and engagement; two-way purposeful communication; developing a complex sense of self; elaborating symbolic thinking; emotional thinking, and the expression of thematic play. Therapists must be certified to utilize the DIR Floortime technique and we have speech language pathologists & occupational therapists who are trained in this program.
Here's a video about DIR Floortime
Hanen Approach
The Hanen Centre offers different programs depending on your child's needs and abilities. One specific program we utilize often at A2 Therapy Works is, "It Takes Two to Talk”. This is a program used by parents and therapists to help engage with children and to help children learn and communicate. This program is child-centered and incorporates techniques similar to DIR Floortime. You’ll learn the “OWL” strategies which stands for “Observe, Wait, Listen” to help you follow your child’s lead and allows your child to learn through things that interest them. Waiting is the hardest part because parents (and therapists!) sometimes want to jump in and help their child. Try to count to 10 in your head while you are waiting for a response from your child. By observing, waiting, and listening, you are able to jump into their world. You will also learn about the “3 A’s”: “Allow, Adapt and Add” which teaches parents to “allow” your child to take the lead on what they are playing. “Adapt” and “add” means that once you have jumped into their play sequence you can change it a bit and add to it therefore increasing their play and communication repertoire.
Here's a video about the Hanen Approach
Here's a video about the Hanen Approach
TalkTools was created to provide Oral-Placement Therapy techniques, training, and tools to clients, therapists, and parents. TalkTools therapy techniques add a tactile component to feeding and speech therapy, enabling clients to "feel" the movements necessary for the development of speech clarity. TalkTools items & techniques are used with children who have oral motor weakness or incoordination that impacts their speech and feeding skills. TalkTools provides certain items, like the Horn and Straw Hierarchies, and trains therapists and families on how to use these items. Speech & occupational therapists at A2 Therapy Works are trained to use TalkTools items & we have all items available at the office for use.
Here's a video about TalkTools
Here's a video about TalkTools
Beckman Oral motor program
Oral motor skills are functions that control secretions, swallowing, sucking, feeding, and speech. The Beckman Oral Motor program helps kids that have trouble in speech development, articulation, and hypersensitive mouths which lead to being a picky or messy eater. This program also helps with drooling, bruxism (tooth grinding), and gagging. A speech pathologist or occupational therapist must be certified in this technique. A therapist will use their hands on a child’s face to help manipulate the muscles in the mouth and face.
Here is a video about the Beckman Oral Motor program
Here is a video about the Beckman Oral Motor program
Alert program
The Alert Program was initially developed for children ages 8-12 with learning and attention difficulties but it has now been adapted for kids starting before preschool. It’s a great program that introduces the “sensory diet”. We use this program for children with Autism whom are both verbal or non speaking. The engine analogy is a great way for kids to learn about self-regulation by noticing if their “engine” is going into high, low or just right gears. If kids are non speaking, we use pictures and The Alert Program offers products you can use at home as well.
Here is a video about the Alert Program
Here is a video about the Alert Program
Picture ExchanGe communication (PECS)
Whether your child is non-speaking or could benefit from visual cues, PECS is a great addition. PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System, and is one example of an augmentative or alternative communication intervention. This program uses your child's interests to develop non-verbal exchanges using pictures. A child using PECS may hand or point to a picture of an item they want, and receives that item in exchange. It’s a great way to reduce frustration for a non-speaking child. You’ll often times see PECS being used at schools. You can purchase or search online to find pictures to make a communication board. Boardmaker is available online to help make a board. Your therapist can also assist in making a communication board.
Here is a video about PECS
Here is a video about PECS
PLAY Project
The PLAY Project was developed right in our own backyard! Dr. Solomon, a developmental pediatrician in Ann Arbor, Michigan developed this program based on the teachings of Stanley Greenspan and the DIR Floortime Model. The PLAY Project is an acronym for “Play Language Autistic Youngsters” and helps to increase parent and child interactions, increase social interactions for children, improve social-emotional development, and increase positive behaviors. Speech and occupational therapists must be trained and certified to use this program.
Here is a video about the PLAY Project
Here is a video about the PLAY Project
zones of regulation
The Zones of Regulation is systematic, cognitive behavioral approach used to teach self regulation by categorizing the different ways we feel and states of alertness into four concrete colored zones. This framework provides strategies to teach children to become more aware and independently in controlling their emotions & impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts. We use this program daily in individual and group therapy sessions. Both speech and occupational therapists can be trained to use this program.
Here is a video about The Zones of Regulation
Here is a video about The Zones of Regulation
SOS Approach to Feeding
The SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach to Feeding program is a feeding protocol we love! Developed by Dr. Kay Toomey, this approach works to address problem feeding behaviors by encouraging exploration and learning about foods through play. Therapists must be trained to provide this program, and A2 Therapy Works has speech & occupational therapists with this credential!
Here is a video about the SOS Approach to Feeding
Here is a video about the SOS Approach to Feeding
Lindamood-bell visualizing and verbalizing
Lindamood- Bell has pioneered programs to develop the sensory-cognitive processes that underlie reading and comprehension. Lindamood- Bell offers many programs and we love using the Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking at A2 Therapy Works. This program develops concept imagery for both oral and written language. Through a series of steps, children learn to create an image and integrate that image with language.
Here is a video about Visualizing and Verbalizing
Here is a video about Visualizing and Verbalizing
Phono-graphix reading method
The Phono-Graphix Reading Method is phonetic-linguistic approach to teaching reading. It is based on the nature of the English code and lessons employ three skills: segmenting, blending, and phoneme manipulation. There are four main concepts that guide this program: 1. Letters are pictures of sounds, 2. Sound pictures can be represented with more than one letter, 3. There is variation in the code, 4. There is overlap in the code.
Here is a video about Phono-Graphix
Here is a video about Phono-Graphix
Therapeutic listening
Therapeutic Listening® is a comprehensive, multi-faceted sound-based approach that involves much more than just the ears. Neurologically, the auditory system is connected to all levels of brain function and as a result it has a vast range of influence. How we listen impacts not only our overall physiology, but also our behavior. Therapeutic Listening uses electronic modifications, along with the organized, rhythmical sound patterns inherent in music, to trigger the self-organizing capacities of the nervous system. At A2 Therapy Works, we use this program in addition to sensory integration treatment. We have specific TL headphones to loan out to families with a $40 security deposit, which will be refunded upon completion of the program when headphones are returned. Families can download the Free Therapeutic Listening App. From there, families will be able to download the specific album needed for the two week listening span for $10 an album, coming out to $20/month.
Here is a video about Therapeutic Listening
Here is a video about Therapeutic Listening
STAR Institute for sensory processing- Level I Intensive mentorship
STAR Institute is dedicated to global education for Sensory Processing Disorder and creating a world in which everyone with SPD is able to receive treatment. STAR Institute’s Level I Intensive Mentorship program teaches OTs & SLPs how to utilize the STAR Frame of Reference, the STAR PROCESS treatment model, the sensory processing subtypes, their presentations and differential diagnoses. This training is intensive & requires clinicians to complete online course work, in person course work, and spend 1 week with a STAR certified clinician.
Here is a video about Sensory Processing from the STAR Institute
Here is a video about Sensory Processing from the STAR Institute
Astronaut Training is a protocol that provides precise input to all five vestibular receptors, along with auditory and visual input to create a treatment program which integrates the vestibular-auditory-visual systems. This program provides specific linear and rotary activation that will insure a person's vestibular system can support efficient and effective movement for development of social skills, play skills, learning, and memory. Our Occupational Therapists love using this program!
Here is a video about Astronaut Training
Here is a video about Astronaut Training
Our clinicians complete continuing education courses often to ensure we are providing the most up to date & evidence-based treatment to our clients. Here is a list of some of the topics our clinicians have completed training in:
- Infant Feeding
- Complex Feeding Issues
- Wrightslaw: Special Education Law & Advocacy
- Ethics
- Clinical Supervision
- Treatment Approaches for Social Communication
- Use of Yoga in OT & Trauma Informed Care
- Cultural Responsiveness
- Primitive Reflexes
- Teletherapy
- Neurodiversity
therapy, play, speech, language, speech therapy, speech therapist, SLP, speech language therapy, autism, ASD, autism spectrum, down syndrome, expressive, receptive, receptive language, expressive language, articulation, apraxia fluency, voice, literacy, reading therapy, reading, communication, AAC, late talker, occupational, OT, occupational therapist, occupational therapy, sensory, regulation, regulated, feeding, feeding therapy, picky eating, picky eater, fine motor, gross motor, handwriting, tutor, tutoring, ann arbor, ypsilanti, saline, plymouth, canton, northville, novi, michiganPROMPT, DIR, floor time, dir floortime, floor time, prompt, SOS, zones, zones of regulation, handwriting without tears, orton gillingham, hanen, talk tools, PECS, lindamood-bell, visualizing verbalizing, therapeutic listening, STAR institute